Frequently asked questions

On this page we gathered the most frequently asked questions about our school. To ask your personal question, please, use the form on the right.

Frequently asked questions and answers

What stationary do we need to purchase?

Stationary and all necessary school supplies are fully our responsibility. You do not need to provide anything, unless your child wants something extra special which we do not have  – that pink and purple feathery pen, for example.

Who provides the books and all necessary course materials for children?

Because our curriculum is unique in itself, we will not be asking you to purchase any books/workbooks, we will provide everything your child needs. If there is a particular book or method you would like us to incorporate in teaching your child – we are open to all suggestions and requests. We are flexible and open to all sorts of cooperation with parents, after all you are the people who know your child’s needs and interests best.

Do you have a uniform at Uschool?

As the guiding idea of our school is Uschool – embrace uniqueness, we believe in freedom. Clothing is an expression of uniqueness and choice, we believe that our kids need to express themselves freely.

What if the children travel during the year? Is it an issue?

Our curriculum will be tailored towards each child’s needs, so if your family needs to take a trip, during school days, your child will not miss anything crucial. We believe that traveling widens horizons and views of your child, so we absolutely do not see it as a problem.

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